If you're like me, you probably like even numbers, ever since I've found out about this "trick", I have been using it constantly with all my projects. However with tailwind there seems to be no easy way to do this.
The 62.5% font size trick with Tailwind
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2 min read
Copy the code below to your tailwind config file and set the baseFontSize to your desired one
JS tailwind.config.js
const baseFontSize = 10module.exports = {content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'],theme: {extend: {spacing: () => ({...Array.from({ length: 96 }, (_, index) => index * 0.5).filter((i) => i).reduce((acc, i) => ({ ...acc, [i]: `${i / (baseFontSize / 4)}rem` }),{}),}),fontSize: {xs: [`${(16 * 0.75) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 12px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 1) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 16px */,},],sm: [`${(16 * 0.875) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 14px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 1.25) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 20px */,},],base: [`${(16 * 1) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 16px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 1.5) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 24px */,},],lg: [`${(16 * 1.125) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 18px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 1.75) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 28px */,},],xl: [`${(16 * 1.25) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 20px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 1.75) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 28px */,},],"2xl": [`${(16 * 1.5) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 24px */{ineHeight: `${(16 * 2) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 32px */,},],"3xl": [`${(16 * 1.875) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 30px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 2.25) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 36px */,},],"4xl": [`${(16 * 2.25) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 36px */{lineHeight: `${(16 * 2.5) / baseFontSize}rem` /* 40px */,},],"5xl": [`${(16 * 3) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 48px */{lineHeight: (16 * 1) / baseFontSize,},],"6xl": [`${(16 * 3.75) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 60px */{lineHeight: (16 * 1) / baseFontSize,},],"7xl": [`${(16 * 4.5) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 72px */{lineHeight: (16 * 1) / baseFontSize,},],"8xl": [`${(16 * 6) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 96px */{lineHeight: (16 * 1) / baseFontSize,},],"9xl": [`${(16 * 8) / baseFontSize}rem`, /* 128px */{lineHeight: (16 * 1) / baseFontSize,},],},},},plugins: []};
You also need to set these values in your main CSS file index.css
CSS index.css
@tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities;html {font-size: 62.5%;}body {font-size: 16px;}
That's it, now if you prefer to use rems for styling 1 rem would be equal to 10px, instead of the browser default of 16px;
That's all.
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